Emergency Preparedness Partners
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The Center's Emergency Preparedness Partners

The Center for Health Affairs’ emergency preparedness partners help the Northeast Ohio region prepare for and mitigate the effects of natural and man-made disasters. Its emergency preparedness healthcare coalition include hospitals, health departments, emergency medical services, emergency management agencies, other healthcare providers effected by the 2016 CMS Emergency Preparedness Final Rule, as well as other local, state and federal agencies.

  • Northeast Ohio MMRS Meta-Coalition (Healthcare Coalition)
  • Northeast Ohio Hospital Workgroup (comprised of 25 hospitals and other emergency preparedness partners)
  • Northeast Ohio VA Healthcare System
  • Regional American Red Cross
  • Regional County Emergency Management Agencies
  • Regional Public Health Coordinator and County/City Health Departments
  • Regional Public Safety Group Coordinators (EMS, Fire, Law Enforcement, FBI, Coast Guard)
  • And many other agency types

For more information about The Center for Health Affairs’ emergency preparedness partners or to request participation in the NEO MMRS Meta-Coalition (Healthcare Coalition), contact us.