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Reimbursement E-Forum Newsletter

The E-Forum Newsletter provides readers with reprints of articles highlighting and commenting on major issues impacting healthcare finances.

The newsletter is short and to the point. Each issue includes three or four short articles addressing different points of view surrounding a current issue impacting Medicare or Medicaid payments.

The newsletter focuses on such issues as:

  • Surprise Billing
  • Transparency
  • Medicaid DSH funding
  • Medicaid Block Grants
  • Proposed reimbursement changes, such as payment for services at off-campus Hospital Outpatient Departments (HOPD’s)
  • 340B Drug Program changes

Story lines follow the position of the proponents and opponents of various legislation and proposed alternative legislation. If legislation is passed and challenged in the court, articles following the legal battle and outcome are researched for inclusion.

The E-Forum Newsletter strives to weed through the massive number of articles on each of the major issues, and provide the reader with the articles that are short, to the point, and a source where both sides of the story are presented.

If you would like to be added to our monthly mailing list, please contact us.