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January 18, 2016 (Cleveland)

Centennial Website Unveiled by The Center and CHAMPS

Centennial Website Unveiled by The Center and CHAMPSOn Monday, Jan. 18, The Center for Health Affairs and CHAMPS Healthcare unveiled a centennial website to serve as an informational hub for all the activities and details associated with their 100th anniversary.

Formally organized in March of 1916, The Center has become known as the leading advocate for Northeast Ohio hospitals over the last century. Adding to this legacy, CHAMPS, The Center's business affiliate, strategically partners with more than 5,000 clients nationwide to create better systems by improving operational efficiencies, reducing business expenses and enhancing the quality of patient care.

The organizations' centennial website features:

A quick link to the centennial website can be found on the main navigation ribbon of The Center's home page. The centennial website can also be accessed by visiting NEOHospitals100.com or CHAMPS100.com.

For more information about The Center and CHAMPS' centennial, contact Deanna Moore, vice president of corporate communications, at 216.255.3614 or via email.