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Back to all News ReleasesSeptember 29, 2016 (Cleveland, OH)The Center Develops Software to Strengthen Future Workforce

In an effort to help strengthen the future workforce in Northeast Ohio and beyond,
The Center for Health Affairs recently developed prep2practice™, an online tool that works with businesses and schools to match high school students to real-life experiences in healthcare, advanced manufacturing, IT, engineering, construction, creative industries and more.
“This easy-to-use system provides a centralized online location for students, schools and businesses to work together to create and coordinate prep2practice experiences,” said Patricia Cirillo, PhD, vice president of initiatives and analytics, The Center for Health Affairs. “This type of collaboration is what we need to help communities build a strong future workforce.”
prep2practice allows…
- Students to discover the possibilities of their future through real-life experiences.
- Schools to make connections with local businesses to help their students find a future career.
- Businesses to discover their future workforce by expanding their reach.
See how the prep2practice process works.
prep2practice experiences are being created now and will be available this fall. If you are a student, school or business interested in prep2practice, contact us today.