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Back to all News ReleasesFebruary 27, 2017 (Cleveland)Workforce Shortage Issues Addressed by Utilizing prep2practice™
Workforce shortage issues due to demographic changes are now being addressed by businesses utilizing prep2practice™ to build their workforce pipeline. prep2practice is an online workforce planning tool, powered by The Center for Health Affairs, that allows businesses to expand their reach and discover their future employees by providing job shadowing experiences to students.
In the Northeast Ohio region, baby boomers, who will be exiting the workforce in the near future, far outnumber those in other generations.
“All types of employers will be impacted by this, especially those who employ in professions that are not well known to the general population,” said Patrica Cirillo, PhD, vice president of initiatives and analytics, The Center for Health Affairs. “Competition for good workers is expected to be fierce for the next 10 to 15 years.”
prep2practice addresses this workforce shortage issue by giving employers a tool to manage their process of teaching future workers about the types of opportunities that are available in a cost-effective way.
“Often times, workers are hired in occupations they do no not fully understand, which leads to increased turnover rates,” said Cirillo. “The only way to address this is by providing shadowing experiences to show future workers the opportunities that await them. Someone cannot choose an occupation if they are not aware of it or no one has shown them the path to it.”
prep2practice experiences are being created daily and can range from a tour to a one-on-one experience or multi-day project. See how the prep2practice process works.
Contact us if your business is interested in utilizing prep2practice to start addressing workforce shortage issues now.