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July 21, 2017 (Cleveland)

Gutowski Presents to the Northeast Ohio Outreach and Enrollment Council

Tony GutowskiOn Wednesday, July 19, Tony Gutowski, director of government affairs, attended the Northeast Ohio Outreach and Enrollment Council meeting and presented on the potential impact of federal healthcare legislation on area hospitals. The Northeast Ohio Outreach and Enrollment Council is a coalition of more than 40 organizations that provide education and enrollment assistance for individuals and families seeking health insurance coverage, through either the Marketplace or Ohio Medicaid. In attendance were representatives from local insurance and patient navigator groups, as well as representatives from Cleveland City Council and local congressional offices.

Members of the Council were understandably concerned about the uncertainty in Washington and the potential changes that can affect insurance-seeking consumers during the next round of open enrollment. Gutowski provided a federal policy update on the current proposals in Congress and shared resources to better understand the differences between each plan. Moving forward, the Northeast Ohio Outreach and Enrollment Council will continue to monitor the federal healthcare reform debate, with a special eye on provisions that would affect health insurance coverage and the Marketplace. 

If you need assistance finding a health insurance plan, either on the Marketplace or through Ohio’s Medicaid program, please contact the convener of the Northeast Ohio Outreach and Enrollment Council, the Cuyahoga Health Access Partnership, by phone at 888.929.2427 or via email.

If you’d like information on The Center’s position on the federal healthcare proposals, please contact Tony Gutowski, director of government affairs, by phone at 216.255.3610 or via email.