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Back to all News ReleasesMarch 17, 2017 (Cleveland)Local Hospital and Universities Partner to Increase Nursing Degrees
On Tuesday, March 14, NEONI’s Nursing Forecaster was cited in a Plain Dealer article discussing the efforts to increase the number of nursing degrees. NEONI, The Center for Health Affairs’ workforce initiative, developed the Nursing Forecaster to predict the
future nursing workforce supply and demand for licensed practical nurses, registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in a given area.
In the piece, “University Hospitals, Cleveland State and Cuyahoga Community College collaborate to train more nurses,” the partners said they are proactively addressing the impending shortage of nurses in Northeast Ohio. With this collaboration they plan to tackle the challenges nursing students face in their education and careers by instituting a new cohort, expanding UH’s established tuition reimbursement program, offering tuition support, providing help and extending student opportunities.
NEONI’s Nursing Forecaster report estimates Northeast Ohio will need at least another 3,500 nurses to care for the rapidly aging local population by 2020. These local institutions hope their collaboration will help increase nursing degrees 40 percent at CSU and 10 percent at Tri-C beginning in 2020.
To read the full Plain Dealer article on the efforts to increase nursing degrees, click