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November 20, 2017 (Cleveland)

The Center Participates in True2U Mentoring Program

True2UThroughout the 2017-2018 school year, The Center for Health Affairs’ Amy Witzigreuter, director of strategic relationships and Mia Salvano, business development manager are participating in the True2U youth development and career awareness mentoring program.

By volunteering through True2U, they provide eighth-grade students in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District with the support they need to explore their purpose, identify their strengths, investigate career options and ultimately set personal goals for success.

True2U is a collaboration between the Cleveland Foundation’s youth development program, MyCom, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, the Greater Cleveland Partnership and the Neighborhood Leadership Institute. Together, they work to recruit mentors from the business community, churches, and civic organizations.

Witzigreuter is currently volunteering her time at Riverside School and Salvano is participating at Scranton School. Paired with another mentor, they each lead a group of approximately 12 students. Mentors meet at the schools monthly from October through April for three hours to facilitate a structured personal development and career exploration curriculum that helps students think about how to use high school as a pathway to their future.

“True2U is an extremely valuable experience not only for the students but the mentors as well,” said Witzigreuter. “It’s very rewarding to join several of our Ohio hospital members and community partners in guiding our future workforce.”

“It’s always gratifying to give back to the community but to help these students get one step closer to a career path they feel passionate about is really special,” said Salvano.

Contact us to learn more about The Center’s participation in True2U.