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September 01, 2017 (Cleveland)

NEONI Helps Support Human Trafficking Initiative in Northeast Ohio

NEONIEach quarter, NEONI members bring together nursing leaders, clinical agencies, educators and organizations to discuss and determine ways to support various healthcare initiatives in Northeast Ohio. This unique forum is not often seen in other regions around the country and gives traction to initiatives that would be much harder to move forward in its absence. At NEONI’s most recent meeting, for instance, the main topic of conversation was the human trafficking initiative. Sister Ann Victory presented on her work to minimize human trafficking in Northeast Ohio and discussed ways for NEONI membership to become involved.

“Conversing with NEONI members about our human trafficking initiative really helped bring Northeast Ohio one step closer to ending this issue,” said Victory. “Speaking at the NEONI meeting helped me get in touch with key players from the education and healthcare industries.”

Since the NEONI meeting, Victory has collaborated with several local colleges and universities to support the human trafficking initiative by incorporating it into their nursing curriculums. She has also met with many hospitals about integrating trainings on best practices to treat potential human trafficking victims at their facilities.

“Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal enterprises nationwide, and nurses and other healthcare providers are often the only professionals able to interact with these victims,” said Pam Waite, MSN, RN-BC, MHSA, director of healthcare workforce and NEONI operations, The Center for Health Affairs. “We are so glad NEONI and its members can help support this important work.”

Contact us for more information on NEONI and its efforts to support this human trafficking initiative.