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May 15, 2018 (Cleveland)

Celebrate Your Plate Campaign Aims to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

Celebrate Your Plate Campaign Aims to Increase Fruit and Vegetable ConsumptionIn partnership with the Ohio Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (SNAP-Ed), many of The Center for Health Affairs’ Northeast Ohio hospital members will be supporting the rollout of the Celebrate Your Plate social marketing campaign. Social marketing is an approach used to harness the power of marketing to influence behaviors that benefit communities and individuals for social good. Set to launch June 1 in Northeast Ohio, Celebrate Your Plate aims to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among low-income Ohioans.

The Celebrate Your Plate website includes shopping, cooking, gardening and kitchen tips; healthy, easy-to-make recipes that are inexpensive; information on local farmer’s markets, food banks, food pantries, community gardens, and senior meal sites. 

Paid media is being used to promote the campaign throughout the state. In Northeast Ohio, paid media will run June through August in low-income Northeast Ohio communities and will include:

  • Materials provided in convenience stores and check-cashing facilities.
  • Online advertisements directing people to the Celebrate Your Plate website.
Given obesity is frequently identified as one of the top health issues in Northeast Ohio hospital community health needs assessments (CHNAs), many Northeast Ohio hospitals determined supporting the Celebrate Your Plate campaign was one strategy that could be used to help increase fruit and vegetable consumption among community residents. Northeast Ohio hospitals supporting the campaign plan to use a variety of mechanisms to promote it, including:
  • Purchasing incentives, such as cutting boards, jar openers, recipes, pencils and stickers to distribute at health fairs and farmer’s markets.
  • Distributing informational fliers to patients and in the community.
  • Training physicians to identify food insecurity and then referring food-insecure individuals to appropriate resources.
  • Linking to the Celebrate Your Plate website from the hospital’s website.
  • Promoting the campaign through various social media channels including Twitter and Facebook.
  • Exploring partnerships with the faith-based community.
For more information about how hospitals are working to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in their communities, contact us.