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September 20, 2018 (Cleveland)

AMCNO Features Opioid Consortium in Northern Ohio Physician Publication

Opioid Consortium Featured in Northern Ohio PhysicianThe Academy of Medicine of Cleveland & Northern Ohio (AMCNO) featured the Northeast Ohio Hospital Opioid Consortium twice in its September/October 2018 Northern Ohio Physician publication.

The first feature, on page four of the Northern Ohio Physician publication, highlights the Opioid Consortium's comments sent to the State Medical Board of Ohio about proposed subacute / chronic pain rules:

"In the letter, Dr. Randy Jernejcic, who is the Consortium chairman, wrote that, overall, the Consortium generally agrees with the majority of the recommendations included in the proposal, but after a thorough review, found a few areas of concern, specifically related to informed consent, consultation with experts, and thresholds for increased monitoring."

The second feature, a two-page story published on page nine of the publication, highlights the Opioid Consortium's launch of its three-year strategic plan:

"'Under the new strategic plan, the hospitals, along with The Center and The Academy, are coming together in a collaborative way to utilize their expertise in support of patients by both treating the disease of opioid addiction and working to prevent its spread,' said Dr. Jernejcic...The three-year plan, which covers 2018 through 2020, organizes the Consortium's work into seven areas: communication, education and pain management, harm reduction, treatment, prevention, data, and public policy."

To learn more about the Opioid Consortium's feature in AMCNO's Northern Ohio Physician publication, contact us.