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January 28, 2020 (Cleveland)

Cuyahoga County Partners Release Infographic Illustrating the CHNA Process

CHNA-ProcessFor those not directly involved, the process for assessing a community’s health needs and identifying priorities can appear esoteric. To help illustrate what went on behind the scenes of the 2019 Cuyahoga County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), members of the Steering Committee as well as marketing and communications professionals from hospitals and public health departments worked together to create an infographic depicting the CHNA process.

The infographic serves as a concise visual tool to describe how stakeholder organizations, key partners, social service providers and community members collaborated to:

  1. Gather health information.
  2. Analyze and prioritize health needs.
  3. Take action to collaboratively create and implement health improvement strategies.

The infographic on the CHNA process will be used to continue informing and engaging community partners about the work taking place to ensure residents can achieve their best level of health. The aim was to create a piece that’s easy to digest and would appeal to a range of audiences including policymakers, civic leaders, healthcare providers and members of the community.

The third step as depicted in the infographic, Take Action, is currently underway as hospitals, community partners and public health representatives are developing aligned strategies to address selected priorities and formalize implementation plans.

MORE: To learn more about the CHNA process and the collaborative community health work taking place in the region, contact us.

TWEETABLE: Cuyahoga County Community Health Needs Assessment partners created an infographic to illustrate how the CHNA process works.