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March 03, 2020 (Cleveland)

The Center Welcomes Endrit Meta as Director of Volume Statistics

Director of Volume StatisticsThe Center for Health Affairs’ Volume Statistics program has welcomed new leadership. Endrit Meta joined the organization in January as director of Volume Statistics. Volume Statistics is The Center for Health Affairs' leading hospital data initiative that for more than 20 years has been providing participating organizations with market intelligence.

Through the program, The Center collects each month from member hospitals 24 data points that include both inpatient and outpatient statistics as well as measures related to emergency care, observations, and others. This information is then aggregated into a report containing 118 indicators, including calculations for the average length of stay and the average daily census for five inpatient service types. Generated monthly, within three weeks of the end of the reporting period, these reports are utilized by participating organizations for forecasting and decision making in marketing, budgeting, finance, and strategic planning.

Off to a fast start, Meta has met individually with nearly every member hospital system to discuss their utilization of the program as well as their data needs. He also reconvened the Volume Statistics Advisory Committee, which met last week and approved the work plan.

Under Meta’s leadership, plans for the program include:

  • Rolling out a new integrated business intelligence reporting initiative. The Center has developed a dashboard that utilizes PowerBI to extract further insight from Volume Statistics data. It was presented to the Advisory Committee and next steps include working to make it accessible to all participating organizations.
  • Updating and refining current metrics. The Center will be working with member hospitals to determine necessary changes or enhancements to the definitions for the measures currently collected.
  • Exploring enhanced reporting capabilities. In addition to enhancing existing metrics, The Center will be working with member hospitals to understand and address their needs for additional data.

Meta brings to his role as director of Volume Statistics a strong background in healthcare data management and analysis. Prior to joining The Center, he worked most recently as a consultant on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) State Innovation Model (SIM) All-Payer Project, which synthesizes hospital payment system data, as well as on the Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) program, which measures improper payments in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Before that, Meta held positions with the Ohio Department of Medicaid, including as a Medicaid systems administrator, where he provided leadership for the state’s Medicare Premium Assistance Program (MPAP) budget forecasting, which remains in use, including in the current biennial budget.

In addition to overseeing the Volume Statistics program, Meta will be providing support to both The Center’s Finance and Reimbursement initiatives and its advocacy efforts.

For more on The Center’s Volume Statistics program, contact us.

Tweetable: The Center welcomes Endrit Meta as its new director of Volume Statistics.