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February 11, 2021

Pandemic-Response Updates: CMS Surveys, V-Safe App, Mask Decon & More

Pandemic ResponseWhile the current focus of pandemic-response efforts is on vaccine distribution, there are several additional developments pertinent to hospitals.

CMS Surveys
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on Jan. 21 released updated guidance putting in place certain limitations on the hospital survey process, including limiting on-site surveys to immediate jeopardy complaint allegations. The limitations will remain in effect for 30 days with the potential for renewal of the guidance in additional 30-day increments.

V-Safe App
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is asking all who receive a COVID-19 vaccine to utilize its v-safe app, which enables recipients to report side effects and also receive a reminder to get their second dose of the correct vaccine when required. The CDC is requesting vaccine providers share the v-safe information sheet with recipients.

Battelle Mask Decontamination
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has re-issued its emergency use authorization (EUA) for Battelle’s mask decontamination system. One important change is a decrease in the maximum number of decontamination cycles from 20 to four for N95 respirators. Any N95 that has exceeded four decontamination cycles must be discarded. The system was made available free of charge to healthcare providers last April, however federal funding support expires Feb. 28. Agencies may contact Battelle directly to work through the payment process for continued use after that date.

CDC Data Tools for Long-Term Care
The CDC has launched a new COVID-19 Data Tracker module that includes state-specific vaccine administration information for the federal Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care program. To date, more than 2 million long-term care facility residents and staff have received their first vaccine dose.

The CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network is also providing a module for long-term care to help those facilities assess COVID-19 impact. The module includes four pathways: resident impact and facility capacity; staff and personnel impact; supplies and personal protective equipment; and ventilator capacity and supplies. 

For more on the hospital pandemic response, contact us.