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December 07, 2023 (Cleveland, OH)

Healthy Northeast Ohio Publishes New Data Dashboards

Healthy Northeast Ohio, the regional population health data source, recently enhanced its offerings through the addition of two new data dashboards: the Healthy Aging Indicators dashboard and High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) dashboard.

High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Dashboard

Every other year, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducts a set of surveys among high school students in the United States to monitor health behaviors and experiences of students. This set of surveys — the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System — includes the High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey, which covers topics such as unintentional injuries and violence, sexual behaviors, physical activity, tobacco use and other health topics.

Developed in response to partner interest in youth data, this dashboard includes select indicators from the YRBS for the state of Ohio and city of Cleveland. Subgroup data is available by gender, race/ethnicity and sexual orientation, depending on location. There is also the option to click on an indicator to navigate to the indicator detail page to learn more. 

Additional data indicators include:

  • Fruit and vegetable consumption.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • High school students who attempted suicide.
  • Teens who are overweight or obese.

Key results are mixed for Cleveland youth, with higher levels of fruit and vegetable consumption but lower levels of physical activity compared to the state and nation, and decreased rates of cigarette and alcohol use but greater usage of marijuana.

View the full dashboard here.

Healthy Aging Indicators Dashboard

This dashboard includes indicators that can be used by organizations who engage in community health improvement efforts to further their understanding of healthy aging, and measure population-level health status related to aging.

More than 30 indicators are available at the state, county, zip code, and census tract levels, many of which allow for comparisons of a prior value, trend, and to Ohio and the U.S. Additional options provide the possibility to view by subgroups of gender and race/ethnicity.

Data indicators include:

  • Cancer statistics.
  • Adults with Medicare health insurance.
  • Primary care provider rate.
  • Health and heart disease.
  • Life expectancy.
  • Adults 65+ with a disability.

Mixed results were also revealed through this data. At 87 providers per 100,000 population, Northeast Ohio as a region has significantly better primary care access compared to the state value of 77 per 100,000. Northeast Ohio fared worse on poverty, however, with 9.2% of people ages 65+ living in poverty compared to 8.5% for the state overall. On most other trends, the region tracked closely with Ohio as a whole.

View the full Healthy Aging Indicators Dashboard here.

To learn more about healthy aging indicators, browse Indicators of Healthy Aging: A Guide to Explore Healthy Aging Data through Community Health Improvement, a guide from Trust for America’s Health and the National Association of County & City Health Officials.